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How to Write a Bestselling Fantasy Fiction Novel



Fantasy fiction is a genre that has captivated audiences for centuries. From J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” to George R.R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire,” fantasy novels have proven to be some of the most successful…

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The Top Ten Things Writers of Nonfiction Should Know



Nonfiction Writing

Nonfiction writing is a challenging and rewarding endeavour that requires great skill and dedication. But whether you are writing a memoir, a history book, or a scientific study, there are certain things that all writers of nonfiction should…

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What to Do When Writing Book Reviews



Writing a book review can be a great way to share your thoughts on a book you’ve read and help others decide if they want to read it too. But where do you start?

First, make sure you’ve read the

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How to Write A Compelling Memoir

Memoirs are a potent tool for sharing personal experiences and lessons with others. They tell many stories, from overcoming adversity to learning valuable lessons and achieving great success. But if you want your memoir to be read and appreciated by…

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Improve Your Writing with the ABCs of Grammar

Discover the ABCs of grammar with this alphabetically ordered list of definitions to help you with your writing. We can work on updating it together, so if you have a grammar or writing-related meaning to add, please leave me a…

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What Are The 5 Cs of Critical Writing?

The answer is less a matter of word count than making your words count. It’s what I call the 5 Cs of critical writing. At the risk of turning away those readers who vote for brevity, here they are pared…

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4 Benefits of Being Part of an Anthology

There is a saying that sometimes you must get your feet wet before jumping in the water. Have you ever dreamed of writing a book but felt overwhelmed by the idea of creating a whole manuscript from scratch? What if…

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