How to Write Nonfiction with Clarity, Professionalism and Your Own Sense of Style



Writing with clarity and professionalism is a vital skill in any profession. Whether you are writing a business report, a blog post, a research paper, or a nonfiction book, having the ability to communicate your ideas clearly and concisely is essential. Writing with your own sense of style is also important and can be a daunting task. It can be challenging to know where to start, but you can learn how to make sure that your writing is clear, professional, and still reflects your unique voice. By focusing on these simple tips and strategies, you will write with clarity, professionalism, and your own sense of style.

Simple Tips and Strategies

Let’s discuss some tips and strategies for writing with clarity and professionalism. 

First, it is essential to understand the purpose of your writing. Before you begin, take some time to consider what you want to accomplish with it. For example, are you trying to inform, persuade, or entertain your readers? Determining the purpose of your writing will help you focus your thoughts, draft your main points, and create a clear and concise message. In addition, knowing who you are writing for allows you to write to satisfy their needs and interests. Once you clearly understand the purpose of your writing and who you are writing for, it is time to start writing.

When writing, it is essential to use simple language. Avoid jargon or overly complex words, as this will help ensure your writing is clear and easy to understand. Also, be aware of the tone of your writing. Professional writing should be formal and polite while conveying your message clearly. 

Be aware of potential biases or assumptions you may have when writing. Awareness of these potential biases will help ensure your writing is fair and unbiased. These things will help ensure that your message is clear and concise.

It is vital to use active voice when writing. This is when the subject of the sentence is performing the action. For example, “We are going to a concert tonight” is an example of active voice. Using active voice will help make your writing more direct and easier to understand.

It is also important to use short sentences and paragraphs so that they are uncluttered and easy to read for most people. Sometimes, it is acceptable to use a longer sentence, but read your writing out loud to measure its fluidity. Is your tongue tripping as you read it? Are you gasping for breath to get the words out? If so, consider that your sentence is too long. Shorter sentences can often be more impactful. So, instead, use short sentences and paragraphs that are easy to read and understand. This will help ensure that your message is clear and concise.

Ensure your writing reflects your unique style by using your own words and phrasing and incorporating your experiences and opinions. Be diplomatic and avoid profanity, but don’t be afraid to hold back. For example, add your emphasis in italics. And if your original voice rambles on with run-on sentences, reconsider!

You must use correct grammar and punctuation or have a copy editor edit your work if grammar and punctuation are not your strong suit. Grammar and punctuation mistakes can make your writing seem unprofessional and sloppy. 

Always proofread your work. Use an editing aid like Grammarly, ProWriting Aid or Ginger to help you. This will help ensure correct grammar and punctuation and that your writing is clear and professional, and it will save you money when it’s time to hire an editor.

Use visuals when relevant and possible. For example, visuals such as charts, graphs, diagrams, sketches and photographs can help make your writing more engaging and easier to understand. Using visuals can also help break up long blocks of text and make your writing more visually appealing.

Finally, it is crucial to be consistent with your writing style. Make sure you use the same tone and style throughout your writing, and consider using The Chicago Manual of Style to keep you consistent. This will also help ensure that your writing is clear and professional.

Writing with clarity, professionalism, and a unique sense of style is crucial in any profession. Understand the purpose of your writing, consider your audience, and use active voice, short sentences and simple language. Also, be aware of the tone of your writing and its phrasing, and use correct grammar, punctuation, visuals and a consistent tone and style that incorporates your unique voice. If you do this, you can ensure that your writing is clear, professional, and reflects your own sense of style.

(If you need a copy editor or proofreader, consider Bodacious Copy!)