4 Benefits of Being Part of an Anthology

There is a saying that sometimes you must get your feet wet before jumping in the water. Have you ever dreamed of writing a book but felt overwhelmed by the idea of creating a whole manuscript from scratch? What if I told you there is a way to get your feet wet in the publishing world without writing a full-length book? It’s called an anthology, and it might be the perfect opportunity for you to share your story with the world.

Many writers who want to publish a book take their first step by writing one chapter in a compilation of stories called an anthology. I have edited more than a half dozen anthologies, most of them by women, and there is always something compelling about a person’s true story. 

What is an Anthology? 

An anthology book is a collection of short fiction, poetry or nonfiction works (or excerpts) by various authors. Typically, the book is organized around a particular subject, theme, writing style or genre. 

One of the most successful anthology book series has been the Chicken Soup for the Soul series by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. 

Each book in the series is a collection of inspirational stories targeted at various markets, such as pet lovers, cancer patients, nurses, new moms, runners, and gardeners—the list is exhaustive. 

Participation in an anthology can be by invitation for free, for pay (share of royalties or flat fee) or pay to participate, meaning that authors pay for their story’s inclusion in the book. In the business arena, paid anthologies are typical since authors use the opportunity to promote themselves. However, some projects also require authors to purchase a certain number of books either in addition to any fee or instead of a fee. 

Authors are provided guidelines for writing and submitting drafts for their book segments. 

The compiler or publisher bears the costs of producing the book, including editing, graphic design, layout, proofing, publishing, printing, marketing, and distribution, and retains the right to reject any author’s submission or participation in the project.

4 Benefits of Being Part of an Anthology 

Less effort: Self-publishing or publishing by a traditional publishing house can be quite a project! An anthology only requires authors to submit a segment and leave those details to the editor and publisher. This allows authors to concentrate on creating their best work. 

Less cost: Depending on the nature of the anthology agreement, a writer can purchase books instead of paying a fee or pay a small participation fee, which is a fraction of the cost of self-publishing. The anthology compiler picks up the tab for editing, interior design, cover design, proofreading, distribution, and launch. 

In good company: Some anthologies gather top authors and experts. So, being included with recognized writers can afford less famous writers the benefit of being considered on par with them. 

Today’s business card: Being able to say, “I’m one of the authors of _____” can carry a lot of weight for writers seeking additional writing opportunities. The book becomes a great business card! It says that someone of note considered them and their work worthy of inclusion. 

The contacts you make can lead to a larger marketing pool. The other authors are going to market the anthology to their readers. This means you get free marketing to a different audience simply because your work is compiled in the same place. It also means you might be able to market a little less than you do for your singular works because several people will share this information. (No need to overdo the marketing and make readers tired of the promo.)

Anthologies You May Enjoy

  • The Moth is a collection of true stories told live on stage by ordinary people with extraordinary experiences.
  • The Secret Love of Geek Girls is a mix of comics, prose, and illustrations that explore the personal lives and loves of women who identify as geeks.
  • Black Enough: Stories of Being Young and Black in America is a series of short stories celebrating the richness and diversity of black teen experiences in America.
  • 21 Resilient Women: Stories of Courage, Growth, and Transformation contains the stories of a diverse group of women who decided to use the start of the new decade to reflect on their lives and careers.
  • Beyond the Smile is a compilation of stories by amazing women who accepted the challenge and decided to allow the world to take a peek beyond the smiles they wear so well. 
  • And Still Champion includes confessionals from seven men who invite us into the harsh, challenging, and sometimes bitter realities that Black men choose and are sometimes forced to navigate. 


If You Have a Story to Tell

If you have a story to tell, an anthology might be the perfect platform to express yourself and reach a wider audience. Whether you write fiction, poetry, nonfiction, or something in between, an anthology is out there looking for your voice. Don’t let fear or doubt stop you from sharing your unique perspective with the world. You have something valuable to offer; an anthology can help you showcase it. So, what are you waiting for? Contact Dawn James, Managing Director of Publish and Promote, for more information at 1.888.767.8423 or authorservices@publishandpromote.ca today and learn how to become part of an anthology.



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