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Book Review: Painting Celia by Maya Bairey



Title: Painting Celia (Incubadora Book 1)
Author:  Maya Bairey 
Publisher: Lingua Ink Books
Released: May 11, 2024
Pages: 368
Stars: 5.0

“You can live in my pool house if you’ll teach me to paint.”


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Book Review: The Guncle by Steven Rowley



Title: The Guncle
Author:  Steven Rowley 
Publisher: G.P. Putnam and Sons
Released: April 5, 2022
Pages: 368
ISBN 10: 0525542302
Stars: 5.0

“Grief orbits the heart. Some days the circle is greater. Those are the good days.

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What to Do When Writing Book Reviews



Writing a book review can be a great way to share your thoughts on a book you’ve read and help others decide if they want to read it too. But where do you start?

First, make sure you’ve read the

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Book Review: A Bright Ray of Darkness by Ethan Hawke

Fiction Book Review

Title: A Bright Ray of Darkness
Author:  Ethan Hawke 
Publisher: First Vintage Contemporaries Edition
Released: January 18, 2022
Pages: 256
ISBN 10: 0804170525
Stars: 5.0

“Faith is simply a way of being completely open to the possible

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