Book Review: The F Book: 7 Fs to Creating Your Fantastic Future by Lynn Rae


Nonfiction Book Review

Title: The F Book: 7 Fs to Creating Your Fantastic Future
Author:  Lynn Rae
Publisher: Self-published
Released: 2022
Pages: 215
ISBN-13: 978-17782410-0-0
Stars:  5.00

I don’t often write reviews for books I’ve had the pleasure of editing, but I’m making an exception in this case. The F Book: 7 Fs to Creating Your Fantastic Future by Lynn Rae is exceptional and noteworthy, not because I edited it, but because the author has written a guide for reinventing yourself so that you can be happy and abundant in all the significant areas of your life, including Faith, Finances, Fulfillment, Fitness, Fun, Friends and Family—not unlike the work taught by The Oola Guys (whom I hadn’t heard about until I started editing many self-help books).

Lynn Rae managed to apply the principles in this book in her life to overcome bipolar disorder and transform her life. When two psychiatrists told Lynn, at the age of thirty-nine, that she would never work full-time again, she proved them wrong. Instead, Lynn has created a flourishing business as a success coach and inspirational speaker and is now the author of a terrific book. Lynn’s desire to recover and lead by example, her children and anyone who resonates with her story is evidence of the power of positive thinking and implementing the concepts she shares in The F Book. Sometimes, the School of Life is the best teacher.

While editing the book earlier this year, along with its companion book, The F Book Workbook, I learned something that directly impacted my life. I literally stopped editing when I came to the section about Finances, something I have struggled with for most of my life. Lynn mentioned that “many credit card companies will lower the interest rate we pay on our credit cards with just a phone call.” I had no idea. I immediately called my credit card companies. I cancelled one credit card I realized I no longer needed and asked the other company if they would be able to lower my interest rate as I have never missed a payment. They did! The interest rate on that credit card went from almost 20 percent to 10 percent with one phone call. Lynn also asks readers to take a test to help us identify where we are with our finances and gives us excellent advice on how to better manage them. She also includes a sample budget worth its weight in gold for those struggling with budgeting. That one chapter alone has made a difference in my life. There is a wealth of riches within its pages, and I will revisit and work towards implementing them.

As Lynn states in the Introduction of The F Book, “There are many books about becoming a millionaire, having a better marriage, raising your children, and getting the best job in the world. In addition, there are books about faith and spirituality, exercise, proper nutrition, how to turn your hobby into your career and how to make friends. I put the best information on these topics into one book.” And she has! The F Book also contains captivating quotes, poems, and well-known relatable prose. In addition, she shares personal stories, anecdotes, and tests so that we know she has been there and we can determine in what areas of our lives we can improve.

Lynn Rae also reminds us that “No one can make you feel less of a person except yourself” and “The only person I can count on to be there for me 100 percent of the time is me,” two truths I have come to learn as well. 

If you read The F Book: 7 Fs to Creating Your Fantastic Future and apply its wisdom to your life, you will undoubtedly be happier, healthier, and more fulfilled.

Connect with Lynn Rae at My Journey Back to Myself.

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