Meet Sean Robinson, Author of Going Dry: My Path to Overcoming Habitual Drinking

First-Time Author Sean Robinson

In 2022, I had the pleasure of editing author Sean Robinson’s first book, Going Dry: My Path to Overcoming Habitual Drinking, for Publish and Promote.

Sean is a trailblazer when it comes to being vulnerable and authentic, as page one of his book is his personal journal entry—sharing the dark space he was in during the pandemic and realizing something had to give. So Sean decided to ‘go dry’ for thirty days, which has translated into years.

Despite growing up in a home where drinking was a normal part of life and being surrounded by constant social pressure to drink, Sean surprised himself and those around him.

“Working construction and as a volunteer firefighter, I believed that I had to be tough and fix it myself. True toughness is admitting that we need help and then helping others. It is with this toughness and my vulnerability that I share my story, my thoughts and my experience for that person like who I used to be. The person too good for self-help and personal development. The person who knows everything. The person too stubborn to do things differently than they are used to. The person that needed help.

I can’t change the past, but I can control what I do right now, and so can you!”

Do you want to take a break from alcohol easily and safely? Reading Going Dry will inspire you and change how you look at drinking.

When COVID-19 shut down Canada and countries worldwide, Sean Robinson experienced a dark year. His drinking habit was one constant he could continue in an otherwise pandemic-disrupted routine. But at the beginning of 2021, he decided to make a change.

In Going Dry: My Path to Overcoming Habitual Drinking, Sean tells his story of choosing, one day and one month at a time, to carve a new lifestyle for himself. Despite growing up in a home where drinking was a normal part of life and being surrounded by constant social pressure to drink, Sean surprised himself and those around him. His story provides inspiration and strategies for eliminating bad habits and replacing them with a more positive outlook and approach to life. Going Dry is a testament that anyone can change, and it’s worth the effort.

Praise for Going Dry:

“When I ordered and received this book, I couldn’t put it down. I’m not a drinker, but I could relate to all of it; we all have obstacles to hurdle. I felt all his emotions and energy that this author put into words. His vulnerability of friendships, family, and the struggle he has gone through to find his inner self, but with such a positive outlook and determination. I have decided to take his challenge and apply it to my own struggles. I will keep the book close and highlight areas of encouragement for those moments of need.” ~ Dustin Wilson

“I loved the way Sean shared his story in such an honest way. He made his story so relatable for anyone who has tried to create new habits and struggled in the process. This book has inspired me to create healthier habits in my own life, and I think it will do the same for anyone who reads it!” ~ Allyson Tufts


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