Hope Remains: The Audacity of Faith by Samantha N. White

For those who do not know, I have been the senior editor for Publish and Promote, a Canadian company that offers self-publishing services, for almost twelve years. I have been privileged to copy-edit dozens of immensely moving stories by women in anthologies, memoirs, novels, and nonfiction guidebooks, learning so much about hope, faith, perseverance, and resiliency in the process. As someone who suffers from chronic pain from multiple autoimmune diseases, these lessons have been invaluable, which is why I will share more of these authors' work on my blog this year.
I am proud to be the editor of Samantha N. White’s memoir (through Publish and Promote), Hope Remains: The Audacity of Faith, published in December 2023. Sam wrote a charming memoir about faith, perseverance and resiliency and demonstrates that “with a gentle and humble heart, sometimes the impossible becomes possible.” 
"Samantha N. White, MSc, TEFL, BSc (Hons), is a perpetually optimistic change agent and solutions advocate who prides herself in solving problems as they arise. Her passion for problem-solving was ignited as a child growing up in Jamaica with her grandmother, who frequently left her in charge of running her convenience store. This fortitude has been solidified throughout her many challenges, which she uses to help people she encounters tackle the most challenging processes in their lives.
Migrating to the UK, Samantha endured eighteen years of disappointment and setbacks. Ten of those years were outlined in her previous book—How I Forced Pandora’s Box Shut—7 Life-Shaking Events That Almost Broke Me. During that time, she remained steadfast in achieving her goals: Bachelor (Hon.) in Management Studies, Dual-TEFL qualifications, volunteer English and Mathematics teacher and a Master’s in Business Consulting from Warwick University.
Through therapy and counselling, Samantha has learned to use her experience to inspire and galvanise those who have undergone and are still enduring setbacks through the utilisation of tools to overcome them through her books and advocacy."

About the Author (Taken from Amazon | Edited by Me)

"I was born in Manchester, Jamaica, the product of a teenage mother and a barely adult father. I was raised by my grandmother until I was seven years old. On a random day, at the age of seven, my grandmother packed my things and loaded me into a taxi, focusing on locating my mother. After what felt like forever, my grandmother located my mother. Vividly, I remember approaching a humongous, shiny black door, and soon after my nan knocked on the door, a fresh-faced young man of Indian heritage with kind eyes emerged. My nan queried whether my mother was there, and he confirmed and then proceeded to call her. Immediately after my mother appeared at the door, I was left like luggage, and I cannot remember receiving a hug from my nan. She made the comment that she was tired of caring for me, and in the blink of an eye, she was gone. Years later, I found that I struggled with that pivotal moment as it was the catalyst that initiated my abandonment issues, which were brought to my attention after undergoing intense therapy. Once that issue was resolved, it opened the floodgates for several other challenges I suppressed and did not realize I struggled with. Subsequently, I have received further treatment to manage and eliminate the others.

One week after my first compilation of therapy sessions, I allowed myself to sit in the emotions that I had suppressed for over ten years. Once I embraced my emotions, years of submerged memories came like a rushing wind, and that was when I put pen to paper. Writing became my follow-up therapy. It was purely cathartic to release trauma that was weighing me down and preventing me from walking into my true purpose. I now no longer worry about how others view me because I have decided to lead with grace—treat others as I want to be treated, and everything will fall into place.

Before writing my first book, I knew nothing about writing a novel. I have written essays, extended essays, analytical reports, and critical reviews, but never anything to entertain and for pleasure. Also, I never had a diary as I was fearful of someone discovering my deepest thoughts. Once I embraced my past and the journey I have been through, I was no longer ashamed of my history because it has shaped how I show up in life and communicate with others. I am now a seeker of truth and found writing to be my medium to help me process all the challenges that I have endured in order to navigate this thing called life."

Amazon Book Synopsis

"After over fifteen months of being stuck between a rock and a hard place, Samantha White reached her breaking point. During this time, she did the only thing she knew how: fast, pray and be open for an answer.

Life is a sequence of decisions, and for every decision, there are unknown outcomes. Sam weighed the pros and cons of staying in her current situation or moving to pastures new and hoping for the best result.

At one of the most frustrating moments of her life—languishing in an unfulfilling job—Samantha received instructions about her next step in the form of a vision. Once she accepted God’s instructions, she knew what she had to do to improve her situation.

Samantha’s vision of transformation to the next level was challenged emotionally, financially, mentally, and spiritually. Yet, she kept moving forward with a gentle and humble heart and eventually achieved her goals.

Samantha’s memoir, Hope Remains: The Audacity of Faith, is an inspirational read that reminds you to never give up on your dreams and to embrace the power of faith."


You can connect with Samantha N. White on Instagram at @therealsamanthawhite1.

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